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Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga for Weight Loss

Gaining excess weight is becoming more and more a phenomenon in the present age of undisciplined lifestyles combined with more liberal “extra-calories” food. Gone are the days where people enjoyed doing something active outdoors rather than sitting for hours in front of the TV with a pile of food. Inappropriate food habits, stress, and lack of exercise are all contributors to those extra packs of fat around your body; changing ones lifestyle to a healthy one can do a lot of good both physically, mentally, and emotionally.

These days, as people find solutions to their weight problem, they have found an exceptional way of losing weight in yoga. Of course it is never easy to change ways of disciplining the body, especially if it entails having the proper diet of vegetarian foods and complex yoga postures to increase metabolism and burn fats; however, it can be the best approach, as it is a form of losing weight gradually without the sudden weight loss that results to skin sagging and other problems.

Yoga for weight loss has several techniques, particularly the yoga asanas (postures), which can be incorporated for specific parts of the body that one wishes to work on. Here are some asanas of yoga for weight loss:

Yoga asanas for tightening the abdomen
This includes child pose, wind releasing pose, abdominal lift, cobra pose, spinal twist, yogic seal pose, naval move position (lying on back), and baat pose.

Yoga asanas for legs and arms
These includes dog pose (face up & face down), tree pose, swinging lotus pose, hero pose, bridge pose (face up & face down), squat and rise pose, and celibacy pose.

Yoga asanas for tightening the chest
These includes the baat pose (lying on back), triangle pose, hero pose, wind releasing pose, cobra pose, spinal twist, lumbar wheel pose, and dog pose (face down and up).

Yoga asanas for toning hips and thighs
These includes triangle pose, sun salute, angle pose, butterfly pose, celibacy pose, hero pose I + II, advanced wind releasing pose, and dog pose (face up and down).

Yoga for weight loss have been found to be an ideal way of losing weight as it tones ones body in a consistent manner, which is unlike other programs for weight loss that claims to decrease inches of butt and waist, yet leads to side effects. Yoga for weight loss can be performed by anybody at any age to maintain the body’s suppleness.

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